Phuong is an educator and financial planner.
Phuong specializes in financial planning for individuals and families as well as sustainable investing, with a focus on ESG investing and regenerative investing in community loan funds, land trusts, and cooperatives — to shift capital from extractive industries toward building a solidarity economy.
Before joining Saltbox, Phuong was the Investment Strategist for Adasina Social Capital and supported the design of its JSTC index fund. Phuong is a member of the CFP Board’s Center for Financial Planning’s Diversity Advisory Group to build pathways to attract and retain financial planners from diverse backgrounds into the financial planning profession, and recently completed her term as Chair of the CFP Board’s Council on Education, where she advised CFP Board staff on the development of education standards and certification requirements for CFP professionals. Phuong is also a Facilitator for the Boston University Financial Planning Program and a regular contributor to Morningstar, where she writes about financial planning and sustainable investing for an advisor audience.